Welcome to my Wiki! This is a space for keeping my public notes, and other things I want to remember and reference.
Below is a list of all the pages. For now, a lot of the pages are dumped in a flat namespace. In the future, some hierarchy might be needed.
- ADS-B (Mode-S) modulator
- Ackley Function
- Adam H Image Capable Digital Mode (AHICDM)
- Advent of Code 2018
- American Express EMINQ (Inquiry) and EMCBK (Chargeback) files
- Avalanche diagrams of hash functions
- Average Distance Classifier
- Best Android dialer apps
- BunnyCDN Log file format
- Burrows Wheeler Transform
- Caesar cipher
- Caffeine Half-life Calculator
- Command line snippets
- Compound Interest
- Compressed Sensing Image
- Compressed Sensing Image Lasso
- Creole
- Cryptopals Crypto Challenges - Set 1
- Data Structures: Set
- Ecc Primer
- Efficient Frontier
- Enabling USB MIDI on Xiaomi (MIUI) phones
- Estimating Pi with Random Numbers
- FNV Hash
- Fazlamesai.net API Documentation
- Fibonacci coding
- Firefly Optimization Algorithm
- Frequency Modulation
- Gaming Radio-Browser votes
- Hash Flooding
- Hilbert Curve
- Hill Climbing
- Image Denoising with Convolution Kernels
- Image Watermarking
- Images with All Colours
- Implementing a Virtual Machine in C
- Index of coincidence
- Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
- Inverse Xor Shift
- Irr Ema Visualization
- Key Recovery
- Lagged Fibonacci Generator
- Learn Chinese - HSK Words Privacy Policy
- Matrix randomness extractor
- Microsoft Teams
- Middle-square method
- Ml_test
- MyEdenred (Ticket Restaurant) app
- Normal
- Normal Test
- Occupancy Grid Mapping
- Olympic medal count 2021
- Org mode test
- Particle Swarm Optimization
- Pearson Hashing
- Python Challenge solutions
- Quadtiles
- Quadtiles
- Rail fence cipher
- Randomized response
- Scratchpad
- Self Organizing Map
- Self-shrinking generator
- Self-update for Python applications
- Setup
- Shamir's Secret Sharing
- SipHash
- Smoothstep
- Spam Neural Net
- TetsuWeb
- The twtxt Protocol
- Timing attacks
- Two-dimensional FFT (FFT2)
- Wiki
- Writing Python like it's Perl
- Writing a 2D Ray tracer
- Zola
- todo.txt
- wikiFactor